When I was first entering into the hall I was surprised by seeing people from different countries. They started with the national anthem with subtitle (To be understood by everyone). The Iraq flag was designed with Four colors and has the text in central part”God is Greatest” in Arabic Language. The presentation started with showing their traditional places like mosque called kufa mosque and some other religious places like Najaf, Mosul and Baghdad. They explained about the Geography of Iraq which is equal to California in size. The boundaries surrounded by Iraq are Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran, Syria and Turkey. It consists of two rivers called Euphrates and Tigris. The weather in Iraq is hot and has the temperature ranging between 104F -118 F and precipitation is very low which less than 9.8 inches . The currency of Iraq is dinars (1$ = 1250Dinars). The tourist places in Iraq are Erbil, Dohuk and Silaymaniayah which are major cities in Iraq. The civilization started with Sumerian in the year of 3000 B.C which was invented for writing and wheels. The major resources in Iraq are Oil which is around 97 % of Iraq budget. They have 8 languages. The major language is Arabic and Kurdish. The political life of Iraq is dictatorship up to 2003 which caused three wars and millions of people are died, after this year (2003) they started to fight against the regime of Saddam Hussain and they established Democracy. They also explained about women’s rights like they given equality in elections, personal rights, work opportunities etc. not only these they given the chance to participate in jobs of different government branches. Nearly 25% of women are elected to legislative assembly. They explained about media before2003 they had only two media channels and there is no internet, no cell phones after 2003 they changed a lot and they are highly competitive to other countries. They have five religions in Iraq and also it is divided into two branches called shia and sumi. They have a Shrine (A Mosque) which is located in Al- Najaf Province. Nearly ten millions of people visit this place each year. Before 1990 the education system is worst like people suffered for educational system after 1990 the education system became world famous. They have famous persons like Ayatollah Ali Al- Sistani a famous peace maker and Ayatollah Mohammed Baqer Al – Sadar who has important contributions in Economic Islamic theory. They also explained about the Zaha Hadidi a world famous Architects, she designed many malls, stadiums and towers. The sports in Iraq are football and body building.
In the conclusion after listening their speech I felt amused because before 2003 they faced a lot of problems but after 2003 they brought a very big change in their lifestyle, political life, giving importance to womens etc. Moreover the food provided by them is delicious.
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